Viper 46 L WWR

Målet med denne kajakken var å lage en kajakk som har fartspotensiale nært en K1, men med mer stabilitet og volum for å takle de fleste forhold.

Farge: BLUE | Størrelse: L | Konstruksjon: WWR

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Fra produsenten:

The Viper has been one of the longest and more successful lines in the Nelo Range. The fitness boat concept brought many to the sport of paddling making it possible to train or just tour with a great glide without compromising stability. Still there was the demand from the market for an even more ambitious design something that could feel like a k1 in terms of reactivity and speed but keeping stability and volume that would allow the use in any water conditions and by the amateur paddler. The Viper 46 could have been called K1 Cinco 46, not only by its looks but also by its amazing performance in terms of speed but also behavior in all conditions.

 Boat: 5.2 x 0.46 m

 Cockpit: 0.39 x 0.93 m

 Seat to Footrests: 0.79 - 1.10 m

 Stability: 4

 Construction: WWR (12 kg)

  Size: L

L har optimal "trim" for 80kg, men anbefales padlere mellom 70 og 95 kg, for 95+ ta kontakt for bestilling av XXL